Whoever created British Columbia’s coastline had a great eye for dramatic beauty
Alert Bay on Cormorant Island
At the end of Johnstone Straight, not only did we get the opportunity to learn about the history of the First Nation at the culture center, but also had the pleasure to watch one of their master carvers and his apprentices at work on totem poles destined for a museum in Belgium. Walking across the small island, it was a pleasure to see all forms of totems.
A beautiful forest trail at the Hakai Beach Institute lead us from the anchorage on the inside passage across the island to the Pacific Ocean.
Inside Passage Mountains
Spectacular scenery of the inside passage.
Little Grizzly
In the spring, black and brown bears were commonplace along the shoreline grazing on spring grasses, roots, and insects. In the fall, bears depended on the salmon runs that were getting scarce.
Spectacular Waterfalls
Streams falling hundreds of feet from high mountain lakes were abundant in spring but had dried to a trickle by fall.
Forestry Debris
Keeping a good watch was necessary to avoid logs and trees that seemed to be around every turn making nighttime navigation unwise.