Mexico’s Pacific coastline offers spectacular scenery and warm and friendly people

  • Booby Aboard

    One of our first Mexican friends spent the night with us.

  • Not Friendly

    Not all creatures in Mexico are welcoming to visitors! Be sure to read all signs! Enjoying the sunset in the Ixtapa marina, a 10-footer surfaced along side Thor looking for handouts.

  • Palapa Time

    Life on the Tenacatita anchorage lulled us in. A great crowd of snowbird yachties and plentiful sea life were great company, and the beach-side palapa kept us well fed and hydrated.

  • Underwater Genoa

    For us the dreaded Tehuantepec experience included a having a delightful motor-cruise into our last Mexican port. While some cruisers experience high winds, we were happy to be able to rely on Thor’s strong and reliable engine. We have just learned to look at whatever Neptune throws at you in a positive way.

  • Addictive Cuisine

    There are no complaints about the cuisine ashore along the Mexico coastline. Our mouths still water for these handmade tamales.

  • Ancient Treats

    Dating back to 1100 BC, the Aztecs were among the first to enjoy bittersweet chocolate. Picked from the tree, cacao beans are tree ripened, roasted and ground to make xocoatl, a drink Aztec royalty like Montezuma enjoyed.